The Company
Tambos Peru Travel, identified with RUC N° 10028017168, is a online travel agency that since 1999 constantly organizes tours in groups of conventional and unconventional tourism, through the most beautiful, novel and interesting places in Peru and the world. We directly operate more than 500 routes in the Costa, Sierra and Central Selva of Peru; with much emphasis on the Lima Region.
Each exit is different for its attractiveness, difficulty, physical effort, geography, etc. In addition, the groups that are formed are super fun, which will make your trip always one of the best experiences because you will learn about the reality of each country, make new friends, enjoy healthy activities in contact with culture and nature; but above all you will have anecdotes and memories that you will share in your life.
We also offer:
- National and international tour packages
- Tourist transport.
- Attendance cards.
- Family, school and corporate trips.