Personal Data Protection Policy
TAMBOS PERÚ TRAVEL declares that it has a firm commitment to the protection, security and privacy of users. The personal information you collect about your customers is used in order to contact you if necessary. TAMBOS PERÚ TRAVEL does not collect personal information about its clients for purposes other than those stated, nor does it sell, negotiate, or rent personal information to any organization.
We only use your personal data (name, telephone number and email address) for the purchase, sale or confirmation of the reservations you request; or to send you information about our company, having the option of not receiving it.
TAMBOS PERÚ TRAVEL obtains and registers information from its users through manual and automatic methods:
* Automatic Mechanisms: Computational processes that allow generating records of user activities within the website, without identifying them individually, through which they establish browsing and audience patterns.
* Manual Mechanisms: Express and voluntary requests for services, reservations or other procedures on the part of users and on the occasion of which, they must supply and / or deliver personal data such as: name, email, national identity document, telephone or others.
TAMBOS PERÚ TRAVEL is the entity responsible for the personal data that is supplied by users or generated as a result of requests for services, reservations or other procedures, and may include them in Personal Data Banks of which TAMBOS PERÚ TRAVEL is the owner and responsable.
The personal information you record on our website is available in a secure system and is not available to the public.
The purpose of this policy is to publicize the way in which Tambos Peru Travel protects and treats the personal data of customers, passengers, suppliers, tourism operators, travel agencies and collaborators, from its collection through the different channels, whether physical or digital, for the purposes duly communicated by the company.
Tambos Peru Travel aims to provide services related to individual and collective trips, air, sea or land, organization of tours or excursions, get accommodation and carry out any other activity directly related to tourism. For this purpose, information is collected, used, administered, transferred, stored and processed, which can be associated with information belonging to natural persons in the development of their activities. Being, for example: name, identity document, telephone number, email address, country of residence, among others through various physical and digital formats.
Tambos Peru Travel, in accordance with Peruvian Law No. 29733 - Law on Protection of Personal Data - and its Regulation No. 003-2013-JUS; as well as the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR (EU 2016/679), undertakes to guarantee and adopt measures for the security of information through international best practices, in attention to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. of a personal nature provided.